Milk Coolers

A milk cooler is a great addition to any school cafeteria. You'll also find these things in universities or other lunch spots, where you will want to have quick access to refrigerated milk. When you're buying a milk cooler, check out its cubic feet capacity and its width. Those are going to be the two biggest factors when choosing which cooler you want to buy.

You'll also want to check out the warranty on your cooler. The best warranties are usually three years, and the minimum warranty would be one year. And then typically, all brands offer five year warranties on the compressor.

Other questions you might want to ask yourself: what kind of material is the milk cooler made from? What is the brand like that is comes from? What kind of certifications does it have?

Anyway, if you've got any questions about which milk cooler you should buy, give us a call. We've been selling these across Canada for many years, so give us a call or send us an email if you'd like to chat!
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