Middleby Marshall PS Series conveyor ovens bake both faster and at a lower temperature than other ovens. All PS640 WOW! ovens are designed to cook 30% faster than other conveyor ovens.
The PS640 WOW! TM oven features an Energy Management System (EMS) that automatically reduces gas consumption. Touch Screen Control can be programmed in one energy saving mode. Automatic “energy eye” saves gas when no pizzas are in the oven.
- Impingement PLUS! low oven profile and dual air return
- 40-1/2” (1029mm) long cooking chamber
- 33-1/2” wide,76-1/2” long conveyor belt
- Advanced technology air delivery system bakes up to 30% faster than standard conveyor ovens
WOW! Ovens
What's so "wow" about the WOW! series of ovens from Middleby Marshall? These ovens cook faster and more efficiently. They have been thoroughly tested, and actually use 30% less energy then a standard conveyor oven. They won the Gas Food Equipment Network (GFEN) product of the year, for "the product that is the most technologically advanced in energy saving technology." So not only will you be saving the environment, you'll be saving a lot on your energy bill.
After preheat, and during times when the oven is empty, the "WOW!" oven moves to an idle mode dropping energy consumption as much as 50%. When a product is placed at the tunnel entry, an electric eye senses the product and brings the oven to full power instantly, with no additional warm-up time.
WOW! Ovens bake 30% to 40% faster than other conveyor ovens. This is the oven line that made Papa-John's "10-minute pizza" a possibility. So this machine will be a great investment year over year.