Commercial Undercounter Freezers – aurora

Commercial undercounter freezers are found in many restaurants, bars, and other foodservice establishments across Canada, especially in places where they want or need to save a little bit of space. As their name implies, undercounter appliances are designed to fit under most counters which are 40 inches high.

Interior cubic feet capacities range from 6 to over 20. Models have one, two, or three doors, meaning every scale of operation can find an undercounter freezer that will meet their needs. The majority of these appliances have sleek stainless steel designs to compliment your pre-existing look while being stylish on their own.

While considering what would work best for you and your business, it's best to take note of freezers' external dimensions as well as their compressor locations. The dimensions will let you know whether the unit will fit into the space you have, but you also need to give it at least 6 inches of breathing room for the compressor. This allows for proper air flow and gives your machine a longer life span.

The top of the undercounter freezer should not be used for food preparation. They have stainless steel tops, but they are not food-grade certified and raw food may contaminate the top of the freezer. You would need a worktop freezer if you were planning on preparing food on it.

If you want some help in picking out which undercounter freezer is the right one for you, feel free to call us or email us.
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